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My experience and tips against acne

Autorenbild: Virginia BürgeVirginia Bürge

Aktualisiert: 1. Aug. 2023

It all started in 2017, I was 21 when I suddenly got acne. I had the most beautiful skin as a teenager and so I didn't understand why this changed in my 20s. as you can imagine, I felt very uncomfortable and some days quite ugly. Not only did I scour the internet with information about this topic, I also started countless attempts to get my acne under control. It was important to me that I could do this naturally - that means no medication. Why? I will explain this in a moment.

Through my heuristic insights, I was able to make better decisions that helped me a lot with my skin improvement. Of course, it is also extremely important that you understand the biological aspect, so that you can possibly counteract with (medical) help.

I have been to 4 different dermatologists and they all wanted to prescribe me isotretinoin. This is an active pharmaceutical ingredient against severe acne. The corresponding drug was given the name Accutane. After reading through the package insert and informing myself about possible side effects, I became quite nauseous.

All 4 doctors took a maximum of 10-15 minutes at the first consultation and I felt on the one hand never really taken seriously and on the other hand also not understood, since I expressly always placed that I was here for a diagnosis. I only wanted to find out the cause of my acne, so that I could switch to an alternative solution.

I always try to listen to my gut feeling. What often helps me is the thought of taking a medication recommended by a doctor. How does this thought feel to me? Does a reaction show up somewhere in the body during this visual exercise? Pay attention to it and consider it - ALWAYS.

Personally, I think that you can compensate for your deficiencies in the body or a possible (vitamin) deficiency quite well without medication. If you suffer from acne, there is often an imbalance in your hormone balance or your body does not tolerate certain foods. Of course, there can also be other reasons for this, such as your genetic predisposition and poor or incorrect cleansing.

I came across a YouTube video one day where a woman suffered from very severe acne and told that she found her dream skin with the diet (vegan and gluten-free). A good friend of mine, who is a beautician, has already recommended the vegan diet to me before. I think the step of just do it is less difficult when you know you have nothing to lose. Also, I had been a vegetarian for years. So I started the vegan diet in January 2021 and a year later I have to say it was worth it. It wasn't always easy and there are those days when I cheat, but at least I know where that pimple came from the next morning. ^^

For sure it is hormonal acne in my case, because I always get pimples just before ovulation and often during my period. Since the vegan diet, however, it has never escalated so bad.

I do not want to take hormones, nor do I want to take other medications. I have always had faith that one day I will find a solution for myself that I feel comfortable with. Sometimes you just need a lot of patience and perseverance. I decided to write this blog so that maybe I can help others with their skin problems and give them courage to get better.

Treatments I tried:

My beautician also made me Hydra Facial Treatments before I changed to vegan food, which positively affects the skin texture and you just feel like a star afterwards. The price, on the other hand, is unaffordable for students. :(

We also tried fruit acid peels, which was unfortunately too aggressive for my skin.

Please inform yourself at a beautician of your confidence about possible treatments.

Products that I use and that have helped me a lot:

Since 3 years now, I use the products from Reviderm. I am very satisfied.

Drops of Youth™ Liquid Peel by Body Shop is my absolute favorite product.

The best Serum: More Molecules Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% by the ordinary (use it only at night and please try it for 3-4 months, you will see results for sure)

My favorite mask: Schaebens Totes Meer Schlamm Maske (you can also find it at Müller or DM)

I recently started using the Rose hip oil from Mario Badescu in the morning and these two face and body cleanser for the morning and evening: - Angels on bare skin - Let the good times roll AMAZING and highly recommended! PS: I no longer use soap on my face as it dries me out too much.

If you want to treat a specific pimple, the Acne Drying Lotion also by Mario Badescu helps, you can use it in the evening before going to bed selectively. Thank me later. :)

If you have a cyst, put some Vita Merfen or Bepanthen on it and a plaster over it. Let it work over night and in the morning the inflammation is already a little less or ready to squeeze out.

I love make up over everything! <3

Here are the two foundations I love the most (I mix them both):

And believe me when I tell you that the Huda Beauty makeup is different league. It covers EVERYTHING, but be careful, do not use on dry skin. For this reason, I use only a little at a time to cover pimples or in the summer, because then I tend less from dry skin.

Here you can see the result:


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